#FishnPiff was born within the Yarrawonga section of the Murray River, Victoria, Australia. Ever since 2020 it has been our mission to bring the freshest new designs to the outdoors and clothing world.

Our mission is to inspire as many people as possible to; spend more time outdoors exploring nature, get into fishing, diving, hiking, camping and enjoying piff! 

#FishnPiff provides a fresh new outlook on the connection between the natural world and marijuana, two of planet Earth's greatest pleasures. This is for people who love the outdoors and marijuana!

We developed our authentic and humorous designs exactly how you'd expect any good stoner outdoorsmen would. Over countless hours, weekends, months and years of wetting our lines, hiking, camping, road trips, sparking spliffs and talking nonsense.
So #FishnPiff was born!

We are also extremely conscious that we are an integral part of the symbiotic natural flow of the planet. Therefore, we take pride in our sustainability efforts. For more information on the practices we implement to reduce our impact on the planet, please click here for our #Sustainability page.

#MissionFnP is on and we hope you all come along for the ride.
Step into nature, light a spliff and live life with us!

Love #TeamFnP